German Institute for Economic Research - SET-NAV Strategic Energy Roadmap (EU Horizon 2020 Programme)

Energy and Climate until 2050 – Four Scenarios

Understanding Linkages of Key Factors for the Global Energy System 2050

The German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) commissioned the Bureau für Zeitgeschehen (BfZ) to develop alternative future scenarios for European energy systems in 2055 as part of the EU Horizon2020 research programme “SET-Nav – Navigating the Roadmap for Clean, Secure and Efficient Energy Innovation”. The four scenarios served as a qualitative blueprint for the elaborate modelling of more or less low-carbon energy systems of the future. They take into account trends and critical uncertainty factors that may affect energy demands and sources up to 2055 and consider in particular the impact of geopolitical shifts on the market price of fossil fuels as well as factors of successful decarbonisation policies.

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