Delphi-Study „Zukunft ungewiss“
Educational Prospects for Young People with Low Levels of Schooling
The shortage of skilled workers is obvious in many places and trainees are desperately sought for. According to recent statistics, however, more than one third of people between the age of 20 and 34 with a lower secondary school certificate remains without vocational training. Of those without a leaving certificate, it is almost two-thirds – a worrying development.
Against this background, the Deutsche Kinder- und Jugendstiftung (DKJS) and the Bertelsmann Stiftung surveyed experts from the field of vocational education and training on the prospects of young people with low levels of school education. The Bureau fuer Zeitgeschehen (BfZ) provided methodological support for this two-stage Delphi process.
The results of the survey show: In the field of tension between increasing qualification requirements on the one hand and declining job prospects for unskilled workers on the other hand, it will become increasingly difficult for young people with low school education to find their way in the world of work. But there are also levers to counteract such a development: a lot of potential is seen, for example, in individual vocational orientation and long-term support to make transitions easier for young people. Along four major fields of action, the Bertelsmann Stiftung and the DKJS show how the integration of low-skilled young people can succeed despite increasing demands.
Talk in DLF, “Bertelsmann Study: Low education – low chances?” – September 7th, 2022