American Uncertainties
Analysis of a Uncertain American Future
It is a truism that the German Federal Republic’s foreign and security policy is shaped to a large extent by its most important protecting power. Donald Trump’s tenure as president of the United States, however, has shown to Germany and Europe just how fragile this alliance can be. The entry of Joe Biden into the White House and the consolidation of NATO as a result of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine may have led America back to its usual role on the world stage, but it would be negligent to fall into the old, passive patterns. In particular, the explosive domestic political situation in America simply no longer allows a certain belief in stability and predictability in the transatlantic relationship.
For this reason, the Bureau fuer Zeitgeschehen is currently working with the German Marshall Fund of the United States on an analysis-and-foresight process designed to prepare the German government for possible developments in the United States and their impact on Washington’s foreign policy and to prepare it for strategic stability.