Brot für die Welt

Strategy Development 2021+

Setting Action Goals and Recommendations for Future Challenges

The Christian development aid organisation Brot für die Welt (BfdW) is dedicated to helping the poorest of the poor worldwide – those communities that are hit hardest by crises, wars, and disasters. Global changes, such as droughts and the loss of habitats due to climate change, exacerbate the already precarious situation of those who are living at the poverty threshold. In order to make the work of BfdW and its sister organisation Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe (DKH) future-proof for the coming years, the Bureau für Zeitgeschehen (BfZ) intensively accompanied the development of the new five-year strategy of BdfW & DKH. In the three-month strategy development process, sectoral issues were addressed (climate change, food security, peace and conflict, digital transformation, women’s rights) as well as cross-cutting issues of development cooperation (Leave no one behind, future of development cooperation, future of humanitarian aid). Participating managers at all levels, experts, and staff from BfdW and DKH assessed current trends and used them as a basis for formulating concrete goals and recommendations for action.

These recommendations form the central elements of the five-year strategy “2021+”. It enables BdfW and DKH to exploit their own potential for action in a rapidly changing environment and to develop tailored strategic interventions.

Link to Strategy 2021+

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