Saxony 2030: Shaping the Social Future
In what kind of world does one from Saxony want to live in?
The project Saxony2030 deals with the question of what a future society in the most South-eastern federal German state could look like that is not based on racism, resentment, and fear of loss, but on innovation, mutual respect and courage for change. The starting point for the project was the increasingly polarised discourse on social and political issues in Saxony in the run-up to the 2019 state elections. In order to understand what people’s ideas about the future of their state are, RAA Sachsen e.V. commissioned the Bureau für Zeitgeschehen (BfZ) to develop a perception study and a future newspaper.
For the study “Perceptions from Saxon society. Between Confidence, Disillusionment and New Perspectives”, BfZ conducted 20 guided interviews with citizens from different districts and areas of society. Based on the study, experts from politics, business, education, culture, civil society and lobby groups developed a picture of Saxony’s future in 2030. The result: a “newspaper from the future” that shows how Saxony can become a federal state worth living in despite challenging structural change – or how it can remain stuck in decline.